
470 entries « 2 of 10 »


Remote Sensing for Agriculture Resilience (R-SAR) – India Chapter (Project report 2019 – 2020). IDC-ICRISAT (2020): In: 2020. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Crop type identification and spatial mapping using Sentinel-2 satellite data with focus on field-level information. Gumma Murali, Tummala , Sreenath Dixit, Collivignarelli , Holecz , Kolli RN and Whitbread AM (2020): In: Geocarto International (TSI), pp. 1-17, 2020, ISSN: 1010-6049. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Impact of land use changes and management practices on groundwater resources in Kolar district, Southern India. Kaushal K.Garg, Anantha KH, Rajesh Nune, Venkataradha Akuraju, Pushpraj Singh, G.Murali Krishna, Sreenath Dixit and Ragab Ragab (2020): In: Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies , 2020. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Boondh: The journey of a raindrop in the drylands. Sreenath Dixit, Prabhakar Pathak, RC Sachan, Kaushal K.Garg, S Raghavendra Rao and Buduma Nagaraju (2020): In: ICRISAT, India, 2020. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Enhancing Agricultural Productivity and Rural Livelihoods through Scaling-up of Science-led Development in Odisha: Bhoochetana (Annual Progress Report April 2019 – March 2020). IDC-ICRISAT (2020): In: 2020. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Locust Swarm and its Management. Vinod Kukanur, Kapil Raje and Sreenath Dixit (2020): In: pp. 10, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Telangana, India, 2020. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Field Notes 7-Supporting Chili Farmers to cope with COVID-19 Lockdown: A Case from the Tribal areas of Palghar, Maharashtra. Patil Mukund, Dixit Sreenath, Gahukar Satish and Sheshadri Arun (2020): AESA 2020. (Type: Online | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Addressing agriculture in view of COVID-19 challenges in Odisha. Dixit Sreenath, D Shyam Moses, Patil Mukund, Gajanan Sawargaonkar, Girish Chander, Datta Aviraj, Khopade Rohan, Akuraju Venkataradha, K Mahadeva Reddy and Mishra PK (2020): In: 2020. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Improving Rural Livelihoods through Farmer-centric Integrated Watershed Management (Yearly Progress Report: 2019-2020-Kalahandi). IDC-ICRISAT (2020): In: 2020. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Improving Rural Livelihoods through Farmer-centric Integrated Watershed Management - Annual Progress Report (2019-2020) - Kurnool. IDC-ICRISAT (2020): In: 2020. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Agricultural water management interventions for enhancing water resources availability, cropping, intensity and various ecosystem services in Bundelkhand region of Central India. Kaushal K.Garg, Ramesh Singh, KH Anantha, I Dev and Sreenath Dixit (2020): Drought Management: Future Challenges and Strategies, Proceedings of India Water Week, 25th Sept 2019, India, 2020. (Type: Conference | Links | BibTeX)
Efficient land water management practice and cropping system for increasing water and crop productivity in semi‐arid tropics. Prasad Kamdi, Dillip Kumar Swain and Wani Suhas (2020): In: Agronomy Journal, 112 (4), pp. 2552-2568, 2020. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Gender Transformative Impacts from Watershed Interventions: Insights from a Mixed-Methods Study in the Bundelkhand Region of India. R Padmaja, K Kavitha, S Pramanik, VD Duche, YU Singh, AM Whitbread, Ramesh Singh, Kaushal K.Garg and S Leder (2020): In: Transactions of the ASABE (TSI), 63 (1), pp. 153-163, 2020, ISBN: 2151-0040. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Improving Agricultural Productivity and Livelihoods through Holistic and Sustainable Resource Management (Half-yearly Progress Report September 2019 – February 2020). IDC-ICRISAT (2020): In: 2020. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Development of Livestock Sector in the Semi-arid Regions of Karnataka: Status and Strategies. Rathod Prakashkumar, Sreenath Dixit, D Moses Shyam and Mukund Patil (2020): In: International Journal of Livestock Research, 10 (2), 2020, ISBN: 2277-1964. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
A Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods. Rathod Prakashkumar (Ed.) (2020): In: Rathod Prakashkumar (Ed.): 2020. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Dairying in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh: Constraints to realizing the potential. Rathod Prakashkumar and Sreenath Dixit (2020): In: 2020. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Improved Livelihoods Through Sustainable and Diversified Cropping Systems. K Srinivas, Gajanan Sawargaonkar, AVR Kesava Rao and SP Wani (2020): In: Community and Climate Resilience in the Semi-Arid Tropics, pp. 81-118, Springer Link, 2020. (Type: Book Chapter | Links | BibTeX)


Zero Budget Natural Farming - An empirical analysis. D.Moses Shyam, Sreenath Dixit, Rajesh Nune, Gajanan Sawargaonkar and Girish Chander (2019): In: Green Farming, 10 (6), pp. 661-667, 2019. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Improving Livelihoods through Integrated Watershed Management Approach at UltraTech (APCW) – ICRISAT Watershed (Progress Report 2019). IDC-ICRISAT (2019): In: 2019. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Effective and economic ecological weed management approaches for managing weeds in rice in the era of climate change. AN Rao, Sreenath Dixit, Gajanan Sawargaonkar, KH Anantha and VK Singh (2019): 2019. (Type: Conference | Links | BibTeX)
Enhancing and Sustaining Pulse Production and Farmer Incomes in the TRFA Statess: Issues of Stray Animal Grazing and Value Chain Integration for Small and Marginal Farmers. R Ahuja and KH Anantha (2019): In: FAO Representative in India, New Delhi, India, 2019. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Strengthening Food Security through Technologies. SP Wani, MD Patil and and Singh (2019): In: National Security, 2 (2), pp. 170-190, 2019, ISSN: 2581-9658. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Status of Farmer Producers Organizations (FPO) in Andhra Pradesh. charyulu D Kumara, D Shyam Moses and KV Raju (2019): In: International Journal of Research, 8 (10), pp. 86-95, 2019, ISSN: 2236-6124. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Agricultural cropland extent and areas of South Asia derived using Landsat satellite 30-m time-series big-data using random forest machine learning algorithms on the Google Earth Engine cloud. Gumma MK, Thenkabail PS, Teluguntla PG, Oliphant , Xiong , Giri , Pyla , Dixit and Whitbread AM (2019): In: GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI), pp. 1-21, 2019, ISSN: 1548-1603. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Enhancing Agricultural Productivity and Rural Livelihoods through Scaling-up of Science-led Development in Odisha: Bhoochetana [Half Yearly Progress Report: April – September 2019]. IDC-ICRISAT (2019): In: 2019. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Sustainable agriculture and food systems: Channeling CSR investments to promote science backed development in agriculture sector. Lakshmi Pillai, Joanna Kane-Potaka and Sreenath Dixit (2019): In: Corporate Social Responsiblity: A Development Perspective, pp. 37-44, Khama Publishers, India, 2019, ISBN: 9-788185-495552. (Type: Book Chapter | Links | BibTeX)
Doubling Farmer Incomes through Grafted Vegetable Seedlings (Annual Progress Report 2018-2019). IDC-ICRISAT (2019): In: 2019. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Enhancing Groundnut Productivity in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka through Farmer Acceptable Climate Smart Strategies and Weather Based Crop Management Advisories (Annual Technical Progress Report 2018-2019). IDC-ICRISAT (2019): 2019. (Type: Technical Report | Links | BibTeX)
Manual for district-level Capacity Building of DoA line-staff, Department of Agriculture, Government of Odisha [Oct-Nov 2019]. (Ed.) (2019): 2019. (Type: Collection | Links | BibTeX)
Influence Of Tillage Practices And Residue Management Practices on Yield Attributes And Yield Of Maize In Maize-Based Cropping Systems Under Semi-Arid Tropics. A Kumari, G Chander, P Laxminarayana, SP Wani, SN Reddy and G Padmaja (2019): In: The J. Res. PJTSAU, 47 (3), pp. 20-26, 2019, ISSN: 2395-5945. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
The progress and future of Weed Science research in the Asian-Pacific region. AN Rao and Sreenath Dixit (2019): 27th Asian Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Sep 3-6, 2019, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 2019. (Type: Conference | Links | BibTeX)
Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. AN Rao, S Dixit and AS Juraimi (2019): In: Invasive Weeds of Malaysia and Their Sustainable Management, pp. 153-181, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Publisher, Malaysia, 2019. (Type: Book Chapter | Links | BibTeX)
Improving Livelihoods and Agricultural Productivity through Integrated Watershed Management (Progress Report: 2018-2019). IDC-ICRISAT (2019): In: 2019. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Weather based crop advisories for climate resilience : Crop management advisories through mobile phones yield positive results for groundnut farmers in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. AVR Kesava Rao and Sreenath Dixit (2019): In: Ecologic, pp. 1-4, 2019. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Manual for state-level Capacity Building of DoA Officials, Department of Agriculture, Government of Odisha [15-17 July 2019]. (Ed.) (2019): 2019. (Type: Collection | Links | BibTeX)
Manual for state-level Capacity Building of Soil Chemists, Department of Agriculture, Government of Odisha [8-10 July 2019]. (Ed.) (2019): 2019. (Type: Collection | Links | BibTeX)
Scientific Dairy Farming Practices for the Semi-Arid Tropics. P Rathod (2019): 2019. (Type: Booklet | Links | BibTeX)
Enhancing Agricultural Productivity and Rural Livelihoods through Scaling-up of Science-led Development in Odisha: Bhoochetana [Annual Report 2018-19]. IDC-ICRISAT (2019): In: 2019. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Scaling up and popularization of high yielding pigeonpea hybrids for enhancing productivity of small and marginal farmers of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Orissa states of India (Compiled Report 2017-2019). IDC-ICRISAT (2019): In: 2019. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Improving Rural Livelihoods through Farmer-centric Integrated Watershed Management - Annual Progress Report (2018-2019). IDC-ICRISAT (2019): In: 2019. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Towards estimating root‐zone soil moisture using surface multispectral and thermal sensing: A spectral and hydrometeorological dataset from the Dookie experiment site, Victoria, Australia. Venkataradha Akuraju, D Ryu, W Western and R Ian Young (2019): In: Hydrological Processes (TSI), 33 (14), pp. 2037-2043, 2019, ISSN: 0885-6087. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Epistatic interactions of major effect drought QTLs with genetic background loci determine grain yield of rice under drought stress. S Yadav, N Sandhu, RR Majumder, S Dixit, S Kumar, SP Singh, NP Mandal, SP Das, RB Yadaw, VK Singh, P Sinha, RK Varshney and A Kumar (2019): In: Scientific Reports (TSI), 9 (1), pp. 1-13, 2019, ISSN: 2045-2322. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Biodiesel production through algal cultivation in urban wastewater using algal floway. TK Marella, A Datta, MD Patil, S Dixit and A Tiwari (2019): In: Bioresource Technology (TSI), 280 , pp. 222-228, 2019, ISSN: 09608524. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Improving Rural Livelihoods through Integrated Watershed Management in Ballari District, Karnataka (CTB). IDC-ICRISAT (Ed.) (2019): 2019. (Type: Booklet | Links | BibTeX)
Green Fodder Production: A Manual for Field Functionaries. Rathod Prakashkumar and Sreenath Dixit (Ed.) (2019): 2019. (Type: Booklet | Links | BibTeX)
Low-cost interventions for big impacts in dryland production systems. G Chander, TY Reddy, S Kumar, Y Padmalatha, S Reddy, G Adinarayana, SP Wani, YVM Reddy and K Srinivas (2019): In: Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (TSI), pp. 1211-1222, 2019, ISSN: 0365-0340. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)


Bhoosamrudhi: Improving Rural Livelihoods through Innovative Scaling-up of Science-led Participatory Research for Development (Project Completion Report 2013-17). IDC-ICRISAT (2018): In: 2018. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Improving water use in tropical rain-fed systems: the situation in India. Wani SP, Kaushal K.Garg, Girish Chander and KH Anantha (2018): In: Oweis, T. (ed.), Water management for sustainable agriculture, Burleigh Dodds publishing, Cambridge, UK, 2018, ISBN: 978 1 78676 176 7. (Type: Book Chapter | Links | BibTeX)
Improving Livelihoods and Agricultural Productivity through Integrated Watershed Management (Progress Report: 2017-2018). IDC-ICRISAT (2018): In: 2018. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
470 entries « 2 of 10 »