Improving Rural Livelihoods through Innovative Scaling-up of Science-led Participatory Research for Development in Karnataka, India

Duration: 2012-2017

Locations: Karnataka, India


  1. Govenrment of Karnataka
  2. University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur
  3. University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
  4. University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
  5. University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkote


Government of Karnataka has undertaken science-led development approach to unlock the potential of agriculture in the state since 2009 thru a mission mode program “Bhoochetana”. In order to address the issues holistically in the state the state has adopted system approach and to undertake science- led development thru integrated system approach, the International Crops Research Institute of the Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) was requested to bring the international expertise of the other seven CG centres and The World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) working in the country through a consortium approach and establish four pilot benchmark sites in different revenue divisions viz; Bijapur, Raichur, Tumkur, and Chikmangaluru, this initiative was initially called “Bhoochetana Plus” latter it changed to “BhooSamrudhi”. BhooSamrudhi is an innovative and learning pilot study for testing holistic solutions in integrated manner at landscape scale in the state. Eight international research institutions are working together with the five state agricultural and Horticulture Universities and all the line departments for improving the livelihoods of the small farmers in the target area of 80,000 ha each at the four pilot sites. The specific objectives of BhooSamrudhi are; To form action oriented consortium of CGIAR institutions to operationalize action research scaling-up model in partnership with line departments in the State of Karnataka to increase crop yields by 20 per cent and farmers’ income by 25% in four years; To establish four sites of learning piloting systems, scaling-up approach integrated participatory research for development to benefit small and marginal farmers in irrigated and rainfed agriculture areas representing the revenue divisions in the state; and to develop capacity of the agricultural related development agencies and the researchers in the state for enhancing the impact of the development programs through science-led support systems.

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Recent Publications


Bhoosamrudhi: Improving Rural Livelihoods through Innovative Scaling-up of Science-led Participatory Research for Development (Project Completion Report 2013-17). IDC-ICRISAT (2018): In: 2018. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)


Enriching Farmers' Lives : Bhoosamruddhi (CTB). IDC-ICRISAT (2017): 2017. (Type: Booklet | Links | BibTeX)
Bhoosamrudhi Improving Rural Livelihoods through Innovative Scaling-up of Science-led Participatory Research for Development (Progress Report (2016-17)). ICRISAT (2017): In: 2017. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Scaling-up of Bhoosamrudhi Program in Additional Four New Districts (Progress Report (2016-17)). ICRISAT (2017): In: 2017. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)


Bhoosamrudhi Improving Rural Livelihoods through Innovative Scaling-up of Science-led Participatory Research for Development (Annual Report 2015-16). ICRISAT (2016): In: 2016. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Strengthening Bhoochetana: A Sustainable Agriculture Mission for Improved Livelihoods in Karnataka (Annual Report 2015-16). ICRISAT (2016): In: 2016. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)


Bhoo Samruddhi - A Compendium of Success Stories (Research Report IDC-2). SP Wani, KH Anantha, BK Dharmarajan and K Krishnappa (Ed.) (2015): In: SP Wani, KH Anantha, BK Dharmarajan and K Krishnappa (Ed.): 2015. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Improving rural livelihoods through innovative scaling-up of science-led participatory research for development (Annual Report 2014-15). ICRISAT (2015): In: 2015. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)


Improving rural livelihoods through innovative scaling-up of science-led participatory research for development (Annual Report 2013-14). ICRISAT (2014): In: 2014. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)


Improving rural livelihoods through innovative scaling-up of science-led participatory research for development (Annual Report 2012-13). ICRISAT (2013): In: 2013. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Proceedings of GoK-CGIAR initiative for improving rural livelihoods in Karnataka [3–4 January 2013]. ICRISAT (2013): 2013. (Type: Proceeding | Links | BibTeX)