Integrating bio-treated wastewater reuse with enhanced water use efficiency to support the green economy in EU and India (water4crops)

Duration:2012 – 2017

Locations: India

Partners (India):

  1. Department of Bio-technology, Government of India
  2. University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
  3. University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
  4. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
  5. The Energy and Resources Institute
  6. MS Swaminathan Research Foundation
  7. Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.
  8. SAB Miller India
  9. Ugar Sugar Works Ltd
  10. KCP Sugar and Industries Corporation
  11. Euro-India Research Centre



The water4crops project is designed to provide solutions for improving water use efficiency by the safe reuse of waste water, improved water management practices, and improved crop cultivars. A multidisciplinary consortium from India and EU have joined hands to tackle these issues. The consortium members, spanning partners from research institutions and industries, have expertise in agricultural water management, crop improvement, environmental engineering, and microbiology. The collective action of these partners will boost business opportunities in the field of bio-treatment, waste water re-use, and agricultural innovations to reduce water footprint. It will help researchers and project partners conduct science-based research on waste water treatment and its management and would open up avenues for upscaling.

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Recent Publications


Biodiesel production through algal cultivation in urban wastewater using algal floway. TK Marella, A Datta, MD Patil, S Dixit and A Tiwari (2019): In: Bioresource Technology (TSI), 280 , pp. 222-228, 2019, ISSN: 09608524. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)


Integrating Bio-treated Wastewater Reuse with Enhanced Water Use Efficiency to Support the Green Economy in EU and India (India side) (Annual Report 2015-2016). ICRISAT (2016): In: 2016. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Evaluating wastewater treatment efficiency of two field scale subsurface flow constructed wetlands. AS Tilak, SP Wani, MD Patil and A Datta (2016): In: Current Science, 110 (9), pp. 1764-1772, 2016, ISSN: 0011-3891. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Field scale evaluation of seasonal wastewater treatment efficiencies of free surfaceconstructed wetlands in ICRISAT, India. A Datta, SP Wani, MD Patil and AS Tilak (2016): In: Current Science, 110 (9), pp. 1756-1763, 2016, ISSN: 0011-3891. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)


Integrating bio-treated wastewater reuse with enhanced water use efficiency to support the green economy in EU and India (India side). ICRISAT (2015): In: 2015. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)


Integrating bio-treated wastewater reuse with enhanced water use efficiency to support the green economy in EU and India (India side). ICRISAT (2014): In: 2014. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Water4Crops - Newsletter. Water4Crops (2014): In: 2014. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)