
Participants of the Feed the Future India Triangular Training Program at Adarsha Watershed in Kothapally. Photo: ICRISAT

Training the Present to Feed The Future in Nine Countries Edit

Twenty-five agriculture extension officers and trainers from nine African and Asian countries learnt about the latest in agriculture practices, agribusiness, food safety and Smart Food during the recently concluded 42nd Feed the Future India Triangular Training program (FTFITT). Following multiple sessions covering about 36 topics over two weeks, the participants […]

Helping Rein in Stray Cattle to Increase Farm Incomes

A series of initiatives, including increasing rainfed fodder production and rapid livestock pregnancy diagnosis, have been taken this monsoon in India’s Uttar Pradesh to prevent cattle from turning into pests. Fodder shortage in the rain-scarce region of Bundelkhand in the north Indian state forces farmers to let their cattle loose […]
