
470 entries « 10 of 10 »


Conservation of natural resources and their efficient use for sustainable development in Asia. SP Wani and et al (2010): In: Rainfed agriculture in India: perspectives and challenges, pp. 121–145, Rawat Publications, 2010. (Type: Incollection | Links | BibTeX)
Diagnosis of secondary and micronutrient deficiencies and their management in rainfed agroecosystems: Case study from Indian semi-arid tropics. KL Sahrawat, SP Wani, G Pardhasaradhi and KVS Murthy (2010): In: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41 , pp. 346–360, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Diagnosis of secondary and micronutrient deficiencies and their management in rainfed agroecosystems: Case study from Indian semi‐arid tropics. Kanwar L.Sahrawat, Suhas P.Wani, G Pardhasaradhi and KVS Murthy (2010): In: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41 (3), pp. 346-360, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Effect of balanced nutrition on yield and economics of vegetable crop in participatory watersheds in Karnataka. CH Srinivasarao, SP Wani, KL Sahrawat, K Krishnappa and BKR Rao (2010): In: Indian Journal of Fertilisers, 6 (3), pp. 39–42, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Evaluation of stratification criteria for regional assessment of soil chemical fertility parameters in semi-arid tropical India. BKR Rao, CS Rao, KL Sahrawat and SP Wani (2010): In: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41 (17), pp. 2100–2108, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Groundwater management an important driver for sustainable development and management of watersheds in dryland areas. SP Wani, TK Sreedevi, R Sudi, M D'Souza and P Pathak (2010): In: 2nd National Ground Water Congress, pp. 127–134, 2010. (Type: Inproceeding | Links | BibTeX)
Insect pests of Jatropha curcas L. and their management - Information bulletin. GV Ranga Rao, S Marimuthu, SP Wani and VP Rao (2010): International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh India, 2010. (Type: Technical Report | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Integrated nutrient management to enhance on-farm productivity of rainfed maize in India. BKR Rao, KL Sahrawat, SP Wani and G Pardhasaradhi (2010): In: International Journal of Soil Science, 5 (4), pp. 216–225, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Integrated watershed management for increasing productivity and water-use efficiency in semi-arid tropical India. P Singh, P Pathak, SP Wani and KL Sahrawat (2010): In: Water and Agricultural Sustainability Strategies, pp. 181–205, CRC Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2010. (Type: Incollection | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Land use and soil management effects on infiltration model parameters in semi-arid tropical alfisols. V Ramesh, KK Bandyopadhyay, KL Sharma, T Bhattacharyya and SP Wani (2010): In: Annals of Arid Zone, 49 (1), pp. 1–8, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Lessons from women's participation in ICRISAT R4D projects: Talking points for climate change initiatives. Rosana P.Mula, Suhas P.Wani, Kedar N.Rai and Venkataraman Balaji (2010): In: Climate and Development, 2 (4), pp. 378-389, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Managing natural resources of watersheds in the semi-arid tropics for improved soil and water quality: A review. KL Sahrawat, SP Wani, P Pathak and TJ Rego (2010): In: Agricultural Water Management, 97 (3), pp. 375–381, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Managing water in rainfed agriculture - The need for a paradigm shift. J Rockstroma, L Karlberg, SP Wani, J Barron, N Hatibu, T Oweis, A Bruggeman, J Farahani and Z Qiang (2010): In: Agricultural Water Management, 97 , pp. 543–550, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Nutrient content of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) as influenced by boron and farmyard manure in North West Himalayan alfisols. G Chander, TS Verma and S Sharma (2010): In: Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 58 , pp. 248–251, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Performance of polymer-coated urea in transplanted rice: Effect of mixing ratio and water input on nitrogen use efficiency. Mukund Patil, Bhabani Das, Eran Barak, Pratap Bhadoria and Amir Polak (2010): In: Paddy and Water Environment, 8 (2), pp. 189-198, 2010, ISSN: 1611-2490. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)
Productivity enhancement and improved livelihoods through participatory soil fertility management in Tribal districts of Andhra Pradesh. CH Srinivasa Rao, B Venkateswarlu, SP Wani, KL Sahrawat, S Dixit, S Kundu, KG Devi, C Rajesh and G Pardasaradhi (2010): In: Indian Journal of Dryland Agriculture Research and Development, 25 (2), pp. 23–32, 2010. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Productivity enhancement through sustainable management of natural resources: Proceedings of Tata-ICRISAT-ICAR and model watershed projects - Review and planning meeting 4-6 May 2010. SP Wani, KH Anantha and KL Sahrawat (Ed.) (2010): International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, 2010. (Type: Book | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
Water use efficiency enhanced through balanced nutrient management - A case study from Rajasthan. G Chander, SP Wani, KL Sahrawat and TP Mathur (2010): 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management, 2010. (Type: Conference | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)


Agriculture and Allied Micro-enterprise for Livelihood Opportunities. KH Anantha, SP Wani and TK Sreedevi (2009): In: Best-bet Options for Integrated Watershed Management Proceedings of the Comprehensive Assessment of Watershed Programs in India, 25-27 July 2007, ICRISAT Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, 2009. (Type: Inproceeding | Links | BibTeX)
Baseline Socio-economic Characterization of Watersheds. KH Anantha, SP Wani and TK Sreedevi (2009): In: Best-bet Options for Integrated Watershed Management, 25-27 July 2007, ICRISAT(Patancheru), 2009. (Type: Inproceeding | Links | BibTeX)
470 entries « 10 of 10 »